Webinarfebrero 18, 20253KViews2Likes0CommentsSchool Streets: Enhancing Neighborhoods in Paris & BarcelonaPriscilla Benedetti, Paris, Jordi Honey-Rosés, Barcelona
Webinaroctubre 12, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsTowards Playable Cities: Barcelona’s Plan for PlayMaria Truñó
Webinaroctubre 3, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsThe Power of the Commons: Public Space for a Higher PurposeBridget Marquis
Webinarjunio 28, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsCopenhagen: What’s so good about it? Through the eyes of a Colombo-CanadianGil Penalosa
Webinarabril 19, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsEquality and the City. Urban Innovations for AllEnrique Peñalosa, former Mayor of Bogotá
Webinarabril 5, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsBicycling for Everyone • Copenhagen & BarcelonaSílvia Casorrán & Marianne Weinreich
Webinarenero 26, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsCan We Still Make Public Places for Everyone?Carol Coletta
Webinarnoviembre 3, 20233KViews2Likes0CommentsLessons from the first 50! Let’s celebrate and review key learningsGil Penalosa
Webinaroctubre 23, 20233KViews2Likes0CommentsTactical Urbanism: Transform your City. Today!Mike Lydon