Webinarfebrero 18, 20253KViews2Likes0CommentsSchool Streets: Enhancing Neighborhoods in Paris & BarcelonaPriscilla Benedetti, Paris, Jordi Honey-Rosés, Barcelona
Webinarfebrero 4, 20253KViews2Likes0CommentsThe Best Climate Activist is a Good Urban PlannerHélène Chartier
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Webinardiciembre 12, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsRhythms of Change: Reflections on the Regent Park RevitalizationMitchell Cohen
Webinarnoviembre 15, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsExperiments in Urban Entrepreneurship Place-based innovationsJesse Shapins
Webinaroctubre 3, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsThe Power of the Commons: Public Space for a Higher PurposeBridget Marquis
Webinaragosto 10, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsSustainable Favelas: The Key to Climate Justice and Thriving Cities?Theresa Williamson
Webinarjulio 25, 20243KViews2Likes0CommentsNatural Playgrounds: The Science and Irony behind an Obvious Climate SolutionAdam Bienenstock