Well-being · Being-well
How cities can make it
the easier option
5 Actions to WELL-BEING

We are bombarded with marketing on individual well-being, usually associated with selling products of services most often not proven scientifically.
Gil’s message is focused on what cities and neighbourhoods should be like, to make well-being the easy option for the individual, as a normal part of everyday. Not magical solutions, expensive equipment or monthly affiliations; obviously, when the person applies a good personal plan, it’s ideal when aligns with the community.
Everyone’s goal in life is to live Healthier and Happier. Having worked in over 350 cities all over the world, very close with decision makers, staff from public health, economic development, urban planners, parks, transportation, others, as well as with community groups, some focused-on Children, others on Olders, others on all vulnerable people, Gil has arrived at 5 Actions to Well-Being. Some require more individual effort than citywide; others must be led by the city; it’s a combination of both.

Being Well
5 actions to Well-Being

Eat more green-based
More frutis & vegetables, less meat
Allotment gardens in parks, schools, libraries
Food markets / farmer's markets
No sugared drinks, bad foods in public places
Sleep 7 - 9 hours daily
Community working hours 11 - 3; flexible start / end
It's democratic, powerful, free
Lower noise levels
Babies and children need more sleep
Housing is a human rights issue
Socialize / Community engagement
          Brain health
          Mental health
          Confidence, self esteem
          Quality of life
          Risk of Alzheimer
          Blood pressure
Contact with Nature
Tree canopy over 30%
Park or quality green space within 4 block (400 meters)
City-Park system:
          Active, passive, contemplative
          Neighbourhood, area, citywide
Programs, programs, more programs
AAA: All Ages Abilities & Backgrounds
Physical Activity
Walk & Bike: as normal part of everyday life
Safe & joyful walk & bike
Five or more days per week
Physical Activity decreases:
          Premature deaths
          Many types of cancer
          Depression & anxiety
          Heart disease
          High blood pressure
          Type 2 diabetes
          Risk of Alzheimer